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Eyebrow Tattoo art

What is eyebrow tattoo art?

The eyebrow tattoo is a semi-permanent makeup to draw naturally

gorgeous eyebrows by hand.

This is perfect for those who excessively plucking eyebrows or for

people who want to explore their best eyebrows style (those who

deepen or reshape their eyebrows).

Technically, eyebrow tattoo art is a way of tattooing. Unlike

traditional tattoos that use machines, tattoo artists use hand-held

knives to paint each stream of eyebrows. The painted lines

resemble real eyebrow; everyone's eyebrow is hand painted by the

artist and mixed with the customer's original eyebrows.

With a Skillful artist to create, the designed effect is
gorgeous and very realistic.

There are many techniques and methods of eyebrow tattoo art.

1D eyebrows, all hair flow goes in one direction.
3D eyebrows, hair flow is a three-dimensional pattern, showing a
3D effect.
6D eyebrows, this is the result of more dimensional space and
natural design.
These are part of the eyebrow tattoo art, and the tattoo artist Xiao
Hua uses 3D and 6D technology.

The eyebrow tattoo art usually requires two meetings to complete.

Consultation for the first meeting is very important. The tattoo artist

will work with the client from the design of the eyebrows to the final

version of the eyebrows, including color fixation, they will continue

to communicate with the client to achieve consistent requirements.

A small number of customers will have some scars. At this time, as

long as the eyebrows that are tattooed are not touched with water.

you can fully recover in about 7 days.


The second meeting was at least 7 days after the first meeting.

After 7 days, you will naturally see the appearance of the skin in

order to make the necessary corrections. This correction varies

from person to person. Only a small number of people need to be

corrected, usually because they are mostly oily skin.

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